Southwold Museum Latest News
9 - 11 Victoria Street, Southwold, Suffolk IP18 6HZ - Tel: 01502 725600 Email:
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Secure, dry storage for our reserve collection has been offered
16 September 2024
Thanks to the generosity of the MIllenium Foundation we have been offered an ideal area to store our reserve collection.

The Figure head known as 'Agnes' donated to the Museum
7th July 2024
David Cragie has very kindly donated this lovely figurehead to the Museum. She is affectionately known as 'Agnes.'
Probably originating in Norway, her ship is unknown. She will have pride of place in the museum.

The Figurehead over the door of 6 Stradbroke Road in September 1933.
The plaque next to her reads :-Cornfield Terrace
The Lady at the gate is Mary Ann Cragie 1862 - 1972
'Agnes' arrives at her new home in the Southwold Museum.

'Agnes' dressed for the coronation of Elizabeth II at 'Fairholme' 8 Stradbroke Road in 1953.

Rhys Jarvis steps down as President
17th April 2024
Rhys Jarvis has decided to step down after 7 years as president. His successor is John Nickell-Lean, confirmed at this year's A.G.M. I am sure we all wish him well.

Barry Tolfree who for many years has supported the museum in a variety of roles, has decided to pass on the baton of editor of our Journal to Caroline Fisher. If you are researching any subject of local interest and would like to submit your findings for publication please contact Caroline via the museum email :-

Our library continues to grow and be kept in good order thanks to Bob Jellicoe, our Librarian.

National League for Opposing Woman Suffrage
March 13, 2018
'Votes for Women' was opposed by a strange alliance of reactionary men and women, who believed in different roles for the two sexes – and implicitly for the subordination of women by men. The badge displayed below was worn by a woman member of the National League for Opposing Woman Suffrage, which was founded in December 1910 as an amalgamation of two previously separate organisations, for men and women. Its first president was of course a man, Lord Cromer, though its executive committee consisted of seven men and seven women. It published the Anti-Suffrage Review (produced originally by the Women’s League) and produced emotive posters to emphasize that 'a mother’s place is in the home'.

There was a branch of the League in Southwold, but little is known of its activities – it was evidently much less well supported than the local branch of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies, with its membership of nearly 100.

Town Farm. Town farm used to be on the site where the hospital is now.
We think this was taken in about 1865.
July 31, 2017

Map of Southwold ?
July 6, 2017
This map is on display in the Museum.

Sources claim that a whole series of coastal maps were ordered by Queen Elizabeth I to clarify what defences were in place in the event of a Spanish invasion. The map below is supposed to be the map for Southwold.

As you can see there is a fort and defensive wall. We wonder how accurate it was!

Are you doing any research?
May 15, 2017
We have hundreds of books, photos and documents in our archive collection, which are available for people to use in their research, just contact the museum to plan your visit.

Latest museum developments
November 28, 2016
There has been lavish praise for the newly redesigned exhibits in the museum. Illustrated is an oak angel dating from the 15th century

Rediscovered during recent restoration work at St Edmund’s Church, the 'Southwold Angel' would have been originally positioned against a wall, supporting one of the posts that helped spread the load of the roof. Carved from a single piece of English oak, it is a remarkable survivor and now on public view for the first time in centuoakangel-overries.



Southwold Museum & Historical Society, 9 - 11 Victoria Street, Southwold, Suffolk IP18 6HZ. Tel : 01502 725600 Email :

A Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Registered Charity No 1159790.

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