Reydon Wood

Reydon Wood lies just north of the Southwold-to-Wangford road and is owned by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. It has been there since at least 1600 and has an ancient boundary bank and ditch which can be seen from the access lane, which itself has very old hedges.

A regime of coppicing the hazel, ash and hornbeam has been restored on a rotational basis in the wood, mainly using volunteers. In the early years, after the trees have been cut back, spring sunshine can reach the woodland floor and this stimulates a wonderful display of early flowers such as bluebells, primroses and early purple orchids. There are also two ponds near the centre of the wood which add to the diversity. Access is open to everyone, provided dogs are kept on leads.

Top: Old hedges border the lane leading to Reydon Wood.

Far left: Coppice stools a few years after cutting back, showing spring flowers.

The early Purple Orchid is a common sight

The carpet of bluebells for which Reydon Wood is famed

A working party of volunteers